Agile Cyber-Physical Sytems Lab
School of Computer Science and Informatics
Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Our research interests:
Intelligent and Efficient Cyber-Physical Systems,
Human-based Sensing,
Edge-AI and On-chip Computing.
We are recruiting PhD students (fully-funded positions through GW4 BioMed DTP and the School of Computer Science's scholarships) to join our research group. Please look at our recruitment note if you feel interested. The School's scholarships are competitive, so it will always be good to reach out to me ( early to prepare the application.
Sep. 2024: Dr Pham is invited to give a talk on "Enabling efficient and intelligent embedded systems for the next generation of human healthcare and well-being" at the University Cambridge on Nov 26, 2024. Please join us in Cambridge or on Zoom!
Sep. 2024: Our Stress-GPT paper is accepted for the ACM EIFCom'24 workshop (co-located with ACM MobiCom'24). Congrats Catherine, Loic and the team!
Sep. 2024: Dr Pham is taking the role of Deputy Director of IT Infrastructure and Technical Support for the School of Computer Science and Informatics!
Sep. 2024: Our proposal for the ‘Defence & Security Grand Challenge: AI Security’ open call is funded by the Alan Turing Institute!
Sep. 2024: [Deadline: 4/11/2024] Our project on stress monitoring with ear-worn wearables is shortlisted for the GW4 BioMed DTP! Up to 21 fully-funded PhD studentships will be available. Please send your application to Dr Pham ( if interested!
Sep. 2024: We are serving on the Technical Program Committee of the IEEE SECON'24.
Aug. 2024: Our proposal on "Developing a multimodal biosensing ear-worn wearable system" has been funded by the Royal Society!
Aug. 2024: Our proposal on "Explore sensory overload detection with biosensing wearables" in collaboration with the National Centre for Mental Health and the University of Bath has been funded by the GW4 Alliance!
Jul. 2024: Loic receives the Best Undergrad Dissertation Award from the School of Computer Science and Informatics! Huge congrats, Loic!
Jul. 2024: Loic and Sanad receive First and Second Prizes for Global Wales' Cardiff-VNU student poster competition. Congrats, Loic and Sanad!
Jun. 2024: Ada passed her DPhil (PhD) viva with corrections! Congrats, Dr. Alevizaki!
Jun. 2024: Our extended abstract on "Epileptic Seizure Detection with Tiny Machine Learning" is accepted for MobiUK'24. Congrats, Loic!
May. 2024: We are serving on the Technical Program Committee of the IEEE MSN 2024. Please consider submitting your work!
May. 2024: Our workshop proposal with collaborators from the Universities of Melbourne and New South Wales (Aus) is accepted to be hosted at ACM MobiCom'24 in Washington DC (USA). Call for papers of our ACM EIFCom Workshop will be available soon!
May. 2024: Our DTII Seedcorn proposal on developing a biosensing smart shirt is funded. Welcome Hakan Kayan to the team as a Research Assistant!
May. 2024: Welcome Catherine Lloyd and Reiyan Al-Shaikh to the team as summer research interns! Catherine and Reiyan will work together to conduct studies on stress monitoring with wearable devices.
Apr. 2024: Dr Pham's DPhil dissertation on "Enabling human physiological sensing by leveraging intelligent head-worn wearable systems" is nominated by the Department of Computer Science, Oxford University for the ACM SIGMOBILE Dissertation Award!
Apr. 2024: We are serving on the Artifact Review Committee of the ACM MobiSys'24. Please consider submitting your artifacts!
Mar. 2024: We have received Taith Research Mobility funding to host Dr Thanh Thai from VinUniversity to Cardiff University.
Mar. 2024: We are serving on the Technical Program Committee of the ACM BodySys'24 workshop (co-located with ACM MobiSys'24). Please consider submitting your work!
Mar. 2024: Our international collaboration project with Asan Medical Centre and KAIST (South Korea) on Utilization of Digital Twin for Cardiovascular Disease Care Management Through Multimodal Physiological Sensing Wearables is funded by the Academy of Medical Science, Royal Society, British Academy, and the Royal Academy of Engineering.
Mar. 2024: Our paper on Revealing Semantic Mappings Across HAR Datasets is accepted to IEEE DCOSS-IoT. Congrats, Ada and good luck with your DPhil viva!
Mar. 2024: We have received funding from Global Wales to establish international collaborations with Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT), VinUniversity, and Vin-Illinois Smart Health Centre (VISHC). Looking forward to welcoming and hosting Dr. Anh Pham (Vice-Dean, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, HCMUT) and Dr. Hieu Pham (Associate Director, VISHC) in Cardiff this summer.
Mar. 2024: We have received funding for three summer internships for Cardiff undergraduates (2 Research and 1 Teaching) to work on (1) stress quantification with wearables, (2) lego smart city, and (3) learning IoT. Please consider applying, the deadline is on 28/03/24.
Feb. 2024: Congrats and welcome Hoang-Kha to the team! Kha will join our PhD program in Autumn 2024, funded by the EPSRC DTP Studentship.
Jan. 2024: I have been selected as one of the future research leaders of the South West and Wales to join the GW4 crucible program in tackling health inequalities and driving social justice. Looking forward to meeting everyone in Cardiff and Bath!
Dec. 2023: Our UR2M: Uncertainty and Resource-Aware Event Detection on Microcontrollers paper is accepted to IEEE PerCom'24. Congrats, team!
Nov. 2023: We have won a competitive EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership funding to develop a distributed, self-powered wearable system. The funding offers a fully-funded PhD student position (100% tution fee (UK + International), £18.6k annual tax-free stipend for 3.5 years)! Please send your application to Dr Nhat (Nick) Pham ( if interested!
Oct. 2023: We are serving on the review panel for the Taith Research Mobility Program, Autumn 2023 round! The next round of submissions will be opened in Spring 2024.
Sep. 2023: Our comprehensive study (>300 subjects) on using acoustic stimulation to improve sleep is accepted by Nature Scientific Reports. Congrats, team!
Aug. 2023: The AgileCPS lab is officially established at the School of Computer Science and Informatics, Cardiff University.
Jun. 2023: AI-powered brainband from Earable Neuroscience has been showcased at CES (Las Vegas), WIRED Health (London) and featured in multiple media outlets (Bloomberg, BBC News, DailyMail, Euronews, etc.) !
Apr. 2023: We are serving on the Artifact Evaluation Committee of ACM MobiSys 2023! Please consider submitting your artifacts.
Feb. 2023: We are teaching the Internet of Things module for the AIMS CDT program this term. The course website can be found here.
Oct. 2022: We are going to give a talk on "Robust Sensing and Efficient Computing for Intelligent Biosignal-based Earables" at the Tutorial on Earable Computing (MobiCom'22). Please join us!
Aug. 2022: Our PROS and IoTree papers are officially accepted to MobiCom'22 after a rigorous shepherding round!
Jun. 2022: Two papers are conditionally accepted to ACM MobiCom 2022!
Jan. 2022: Our research in the Earable project is seeing its impacts on the world as Earable Inc. closes an equity financing round of ~$8M.
Jul. 2021: Our eBP paper is published as a Research Highlight article in the Communications of the ACM 2021! Prof. Josiah D. Hester provides a great technical perspective article on the eBP project!
Jun. 2021: Our Microsleep detection paper is accepted to IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing!
Sep. 2020: Our DroneScale paper is accepted to ACM Sensys 2020!
Jul. 2020: Our eBP paper receives the ACM SIGMOBILE Research Highlights Award 2020!
Jun. 2020: Our Review on Epileptic Seizure is accepted to Frontiers in Neurology Journal!
Mar. 2020: Our WAKE and Painometry papers are accepted to ACM Mobisys 2020!
Jan. 2020: Our eBP paper is invited for ACM GetMobile Research Highlights!
Oct. 2019: Our eBP paper received the Best Paper Award at ACM Mobicom 2019!
Jun. 2019: Our Earable biosensing platform demo is presented at ACM Mobisys 2019!
Jun. 2019: Our eBP paper is accepted to ACM Mobicom 2019!
Apr. 2019: Our Earable biosensing platform demo won CU Boulder Get Seed Funding!
Apr. 2019: Our Earable biosensing platform demo is presented at CU's Atlas Expo and ITLL Engineering Expo!
Apr. 2019: Our Earable biosensing platform demo is accepted to ACM Mobisys 2019!